Ireland is the biggest beneficiary of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve and the first Member State to receive its pre-financing. This funding will help Ireland’s economy mitigate the impact of Brexit, through support to regions and economic sectors, including job creation and protection, such as short-time work schemes, re-skilling, and training.

The eligibility criteria set by the EU to qualify expenditure under the Reserve are stringent, and any proposed expenditure must demonstrate a direct link to negative impacts arising from Brexit.

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EU Budget

Ireland will receive €361.5 million in 2021, €276.7 million in 2022 and €282.2 million in 2023. The funding can cover expenses since 1 January 2020. The funding period runs from 2021-2023.

Reserve Functions

The Reserve will support measures specifically set up in relation to the withdrawal of the UK from the Union. They can include the following:

  • Support to economic sectors, business and local communities, and organisations, including small-scale coastal fisheries,  dependent on fishing activities in the UK waters;
  • Support to job creation and protection, including through short-time work schemes, re-skilling and training;
  • measures aimed at the re-integration of Union citizens as well as persons having the right to reside on the territory of the Union who left the United Kingdom, as a result of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union
  • ensuring the Functioning of border, customs, sanitary and phytosanitary and security controls, fisheries control, certification and authorisation regimes
  • Measures for communication, information and awareness raising of citizens and businesses about changes to their rights and obligations stemming from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union.


The designated body for managing and deciding on the Reserve in Ireland is the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER).