Building Europe – Call for Applications
The European Commission has launched a call for applications for local authorities wishing to become partners in communicating the EU as part of the “Building Europe with Local Councillors” network.
The aim of the partnership is to help and encourage local representatives to present EU policies, actions and initiatives objectively and in clear, understandable language to their constituents. The aim is to promote discussion and debate about these European policies, actions and initiatives at a grassroots, citizen level.
A local authority that chooses to take part in the “Building Europe with Local Councillors” network will appoint one locally elected councillor as a member of the network. The authority will also sign a declaration in which the local authority agrees to make the following commitments:
- Engage regularly in discussions and debate with members of their constituency or local media about the general political initiatives and measures conducted by the EU.
- Present EU policies, actions and initiatives objectively, based on accurate and trustworthy information.
- Take part in the day-to-day operations of the network by participating in the online platform, attending seminars and visits offered by the European Commission.
In order to support the local councillors and their authorities in communicating Europe, the European Commission will provide:
- Communication materials and a regular information updates to help them engage with citizens on EU issues.
- Access to priority visits of the European Commission Visitors’ Centre in Brussels, physical or digital.
- Access to an interactive platform to foster interaction with other members of the network.
- Information about other EU initiatives dedicated to local councillors and local authorities, including in particular the activities of the Committee of the Regions and its Network of Regional and Local EU Councillors, and opportunities to follow and contribute to their activities.
If your local authority is interested in taking part, or wants to find out more click here.