Cllr. Michael Murphy appointed vice-Chair of the Interregional group on Brexit
On March 23rd, the CoR Interregional group on Brexit appointed Michael Murphy (EPP), head of the Irish delegation to the CoR, as vice-Chair of the newly established Interregional group on Brexit.
The group is chaired by François Decoster (FR/ALDE) and Michiel Rijsberman (NL/ALDE) has been appointed as vice-Chair. The group gathers 29 members from seven Member States, including the whole Irish delegation.
This interregional group has been set up to enable local and regional representatives to express their concerns regarding the impact of Brexit on their regions and cities and to exchange information and potential solutions to prepare together for the future. The group will meet alongside each plenary session of the CoR.
Interregional groups are platforms which bring together members and alternate members of the European Committee of the Regions on a voluntary basis to exchange views and foster the emergence of ideas likely to enrich cooperation between local and regional authorities in the Member States and beyond. The establishment of an interregional group has to be approved by the CoR bureau.