This cooperation programme helps local, regional and national governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. It aims to create an environment and opportunities for sharing solutions to regional development issues. INTERREG Europe supports the exchange of good practices and policy learning among European regions in 29 countries – the EU27, Norway and Switzerland.
EU Budget
€379 million ERDF (Co-financing rate of 80%) for the 2021-2027 programming period.
Eligible areas
All of the EU plus Switzerland and Norway.
For the 2021-2027 EU programming period Interreg has adopted a shorter, modern menu of policy objectives, which aim to support growth throughout the programme’s period, they are:
- A more competitive and smarter Europe
- A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy
- A more connected Europe by enhancing mobility
- A more social and inclusive Europe
- Europe closer to citizens by fostering the sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories
- A better cooperation governance
- A safer and more secure Europe
Project examples
- Innova Foster aims to leverage high–potential start-up growth by fostering their engagement in the innovation processes at local or regional level – thus improving their role as regional and industry innovation service providers. Its main objective is to influence regional and industrial development policies and tools accordingly. Cork City Council, who were awarded €124,000 in ERDF support for this project which will run until the end of 2020, are seeking to address the Micro-enterprise Competitiveness Priority of the current ERDF investment programme for the Southern & Eastern Region by highlighting the need to prioritise non-financial barriers to business growth, including through enhanced startup-industry linkages for service innovation and manufacturers. The 7 Partners’ action plansare being implemented as demonstrators, de-risking the development and scale-up of novel service systems, encouraging engagement with stakeholders and users, and identifying clusters of expertise and further opportunities for partnership.
- A grant of €202,000 over a 4-year period is enabling Donegal County Council to participate in the HERICOAST project on the management of heritage in coastal landscapes. This aims to pioneer appropriate and effective stewardship of vulnerable cultural heritage in maritime and fluvial regions; to provide for better balance between economic use (e.g. fisheries, transport) and preservation measures; and to revitalise coastal communities. The project resonates with to the Donegal County Development Plan’s support for sustainable marine resource development and Coastal Zone Management as well as with its objectives to conserve, protect and enhance built, natural and cultural heritage. However, it also seeks to address a clear policy void relating to the need for an integrated, evidence-based and heritage-led management approach to the county’s unique and significant cultural, built and environmental coastal resources.
- In 2011, Kerry was among the winners of the inaugural European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) award for the outstanding entrepreneurial vision & strategy that was in evidence in the county. Several years later, the iEER project began as a means to bring together a number of EER regions to collaborate on the peer-review and development of better local/regional services and policies in support of start-ups and to boost their innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems for young entrepreneurs in particular. The project places a strong focus on breaking down silo mentalities and bringing together all actors with a role in entrepreneurial success. Among the outputs is a practical ‘Boost Growth Handbook’ of best practices and most useful policies to benefit other European regions. Institute of Technology Tralee represent Kerry in the partnership and are receiving €177,000 ERDF support.
David Kelly, Southern Regional Assembly,
David Minton, Northern & Western Regional Assembly,