News from IREO
New Head of Office joined IREO!
Teresa Lennon has recently joined as Head of the Irish Regions European Office and has overall responsibility for guiding local and regional authorities in Ireland through the EU policy and funding landscape. We are delighted to welcome Teresa back to Brussels, having previously worked in the EU sphere for UK and U.S. business organisations, lobbying the EU institutions on the development of EU policy and funding programmes.
Before joining IREO, Teresa was Head of Research Development at Ulster University, where she was responsible for increasing the drawdown of research funding to the University. This included promoting the opportunities available from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, INTERREG programmes, as well as UK and global funding sources. For 6 years before that, Teresa was Programme Manager at the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) and was responsible for managing Northern Ireland participation in a range of EU INTERREG cross border, transnational and interregional funding programmes. She has also worked at the Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA) building the capacity of local government in EU funding and EU policy development.
Teresa has BA (Hons) in European Business Studies with French and a Masters of Business Administration, both from Ulster University.