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EU Funding Conference – Connecting, Communicating and Collaborating – Irish Regions Cooperating across the EU
The Irish Regions European Office (IREO), in conjunction with the three Regional Assemblies of Ireland and the Irish Delegation to the EU Committee of…

Round Up of 153rd CoR Plenary
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) held its 153rd plenary session on 8th and 9th of February. The session marked the year's first plenary and featured…

Northern And Western Region Launches €217m Investment Programme With European Development Funding
The NWRA has launched a new six-year investment programme totaling €217m in European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) for Ireland’s Northern and Western…

Update: Interreg Europe
The second call for Interreg project proposals is will open from the 15th of March until the 9th of June 2023.
Interreg projects seek to bring together…

Update: Interreg North-West Europe
Interreg NWE fosters transnational cooperation to make the region a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live, with high levels of innovation,…

Update: Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme
The second call for projects for the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) has now closed. It is foreseen that there will be two calls in 2023,…

Update: Interreg Atlantic Area
The first call for projects for the Interreg Atlantic Area is now open! The call will remain open until the 17th of February 2023.
The Interreg Atlantic…

Round up of 152nd CoR Plenary
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) held its 152nd plenary session from the 30th of November until the 1st of December. Marking the final plenary session…

EMRA study visit to Brussels
The Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) undertook a two-day study visit to Brussels. The study visit found the delegation of seven Councillors…

Round up of 151st COR Plenary
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) held its 151st plenary session on the 11th and 12th of October. The plenary session coincided with the European Week…

Round up of 150th CoR Plenary
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) held its first post-covid fully in-person meeting on the 29th and 30th June 2022. The meeting marked the half way point…

Registration Open – Assembly of European Regions Summer School
The Assembly of European Regions in partnership with Donegal County Council and Údarás na Gaeltachta will host their flagship 2022 Summer Academy event…

Building Europe – Call for Applications
The European Commission has launched a call for applications for local authorities wishing to become partners in communicating the EU as part of the "Building…

Dublin and Cork chosen among 100 cities to participate in EU Mission for climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030
Dublin and Cork have been chosen from a group of 337 cities to participate in the EU Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. All 27 EU…

New European Bauhaus: Voucher scheme planned to support cities and regions
The New European Bauhaus initiative, which connects the European Green Deal to our daily lives and living spaces, is as a key opportunity to harness…

EU regions and cities want stronger ties with UK’s devolved administrations and local governments
European Committee of the Regions call for a better appreciation of the role of local and regional authorities in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Round up of 149th CoR Plenary
The Committee of the Regions (CoR) held a hybrid meeting for the second plenary of 2022 on the 27th-28th April 2022. It was a packed agenda with a number…

Register for Europe, Let’s Cooperate – Interreg Europe
Registration for the 8th edition of 'Europe, let's cooperate' is now open!
The Interreg Europe programme will open its first call for proposals on the…